Everyone needs some good news...

Regardless of what season of life we're in, no one will turn down good news; and there's nothing better than who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Jesus shows us and commands us how to proclaim the good news (Gospel) about God & His Kingdom. Just like anything, this will take practice! Each of these tools will help you understand, enjoy, & communicate the Gospel.
(Here's some more good news: these resources DO NOT include a soapbox, bullhorn, or picketing sign.) 
The Kingdom of God is a video resource from The Bible Project that helps you understand the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Enjoy! 
Making Evangelism Personal is a 6 day Bible reading plan on the YouVersion Bible App.  Each day, you'll see how Jesus shares the good news. 
The Three Circles is a helpful way to clearly articulate the Gospel. Watch the video,  practice the model but make it personal. You can find more practical tools from Life On Mission. 
In this episode, Paul and  Stephen discuss the gospel, evangelism, and helpful tools to share the Gospel clearly.