Plan Your Visit

In-Person Services and Times

Worship Services - Sundays at 9:30 & 11:00 am
& Thursdays at 7:00 pm
Growth Groups - Sundays at 9:30 & 11:00 am & throughout the week.
7100 S Hulen St, Fort Worth, TX 76123

Help Us Prepare For Your Visit

Your first visit is important. You put in the time and thought to decide what church you will visit.

At Hulen Street Church, we prioritize your visit and want to help remove any barriers that may keep you and your family from having a great experience.

Visiting With Children

Along with providing in-person worship services and adult Growth Groups, we also provide in-person
Preschool, Grade School, and Student Ministry experiences for kids on Sundays.

Click the buttons below to learn more about what your child's Sunday will look like during your visit.

Guest Photo & Video Policies

During your visit, you may see a church photographer or videographer on our campus, capturing moments for our church's social media and
communication initiatives.

Our photographers and videographers will NOT capture any images of first-time guests. To help them, you can stop by the "New Here? Start Here" sign at the entrance and ask for an orange wristband to help them recognize whose image they cannot capture.