Baptism & Beliefs

We believe that God loves the world so much that He gave His One and Only Son Jesus so that whoever believes in who Jesus is and what He did will be saved from our sins and led to a new life with Him forever. (John 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Ephesians 2:1-10, 1 Corinthians 15:1-5, Acts 22:16, Romans 6:6-8)
Jesus calls for us to make disciples, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and to teach others to obey everything Jesus has commanded us to do (Matthew 28:18-20). Our first response to Him as our Savior & King is to follow His command to be baptized. 

Abbie Fletcher

I was raised in a Christian home but began to turn away from God and my faith towards the end of high school. Over the past 7 years I did not consider myself a Christian. God used Hulen Street and the prayers and influence of my family to bring me back to him. In the past 5 months that I’ve been getting to know God, He has changed my life in so many incredible ways. I am thankful for His love and proud to be called a Christian.

Jaxson Fletcher

I grew up going to church. I started questioning my faith when I became an adult and turned away from God for several years of my life. Through lots of divine intervention I decided to recommit my life to God. Since this recommitment I have been living with purpose and trying my best to walk alongside God.

Baptism Stories

Daniel Boyette

Daniel has been learning about God at home and at Hulen Street Church. He began asking questions about salvation and praying for God to be in his heart over a year ago. He is excited to share his love for Jesus with his family and friends, and has a desire to follow Jesus by being baptized.

Daniel’s personal faith statement:
“Jesus was the born God that died on the cross to save the world. He is the Messiah that God promised from the beginning to take our sin away so we can be clean and be together with God.”

Joshua Sessoms

One night after family devotions, (the day after Easter when I was 5 years old), I asked my parents some more questions about how I too could make Jesus the King of my life. We talked about it and then I prayed to become a Christian. Since that time I have been working to and praying about learning to listen to the Holy Spirit in my heart so that I can bring Him glory with my life.

Colt Walker

Colt came to know Christ at 6 years old, sitting at the kitchen table with mom while homeschooling. Questions about sin and where people go after death had entered the conversation which then lead to Colt accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Raphael Chiu

I surrendered by life to Christ when I was 7 years old. Since then I started desiring to grow in my walk with the Lord. I started attending the Nehemiah Kids program at Wedgwood Baptist where I learned the basics of growing in Christ--both horizontally, serving others and vertically where I nurture my journey with Christ.

Sami Chiu

I surrendered my life to Christ at a kids camp this summer. I desire to grow more in Him by devoting a regular nightly quiet time or devotional with my dad. I started praying also with my dad the Moslem mosques nearby and praying for their salvation.

Matt Frank

Through the years, growing up, I have attended church here and there but I never really understood what it meant to know Christ. When my wife, Heather and I were dating, she asked me if I would attend church with her. It was important to her and kind of a requirement. Through attending church, I have come to know more about God on a deeper level. Just a few weeks ago, I accepted God as my Lord and Savior. I am a sinner and I want to be saved and be more like HIM.

Sophie Hoskins

My small group had been going through the New City Catechism and we had been learning about what it means to be a sinner and how Jesus came to rescue us. My friend, Lucy, shared how she had chosen to follow Jesus and I knew I wanted that too. I quietly asked my dad if I could talk to him. We talked about it and I decided to pray and ask Jesus to rescue me and become the boss of my life. I want to be baptized because I want everyone to know that I’m a Christian and that I will do what Jesus says. I want everyone to know I’m God’s daughter.

Hayley Lester

I have always grown up in the church with my family and knew of Jesus and believed in him, but never had my own personal relationship. This past year, I went to college and really understood what it meant to seek him and to want to know him.

Xavier Molina

Attending hulen street with my girlfriend and going to growth groups and starting point helped guide me down the path to realize that Jesus is my savior.

Maya Padilla

Over the last couple of years Maya has been praying, in her own words, “Jesus help me chase after your heart.” The more she prayed, the deeper her questions became. Last year, Maya gave her life to Christ after understanding that she was a sinner, and that she was in need of a savior. Praise Jesus, for she is His.

Dean Ross

I met Jesus and believed that God is my savior when I prayed God into my heart this year at church camp. I know He is my one true savior. Before now I believed in God and Jesus but was confused about how we knew that Jesus is the only way to salvation because other cultures believe other things and what if we’re wrong? But, at church camp I realized that only God can do what Jesus did to save us.

Wyatt Schwausch

I struggled with my connection to Jesus and lost my place in the world for quite a few years not really knowing what I wanted to do with myself or how to get out of the funk that I was in and soon began dealing with many mental health issues that I did not know how to get out of but I soon met my now girlfriend Hayley who has attended Hulen Street for quite a while now with her family and she was one of the main reasons I was able to begin working on myself and she and her family brought me back into the light of god and Jesus helping me to begin to learn the word and accept as well as believe that Jesus is my savior. I am still new in my journey of understanding and appreciating the word of god but I believe I have gotten a strong foundation built that will allow me to continue on my path.

Wanda Wilson

I remember when I was broken from making bad choices in my life. I thought the world had ended for me. I felt out of control and wanted to change. A family member took me to church where I accepted Christ that day. He has been so faithful in my life, and I want to make a public declaration of my faith in Him as my Lord and Savior.